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Oven Steel

How do I care for my Oven Steel?

To get the most out of your Oven Steel, visit the Oven Steel Use & Care Page.

Why would I need an Oven Steel?

Ovens can be off by 30º - 50ºF, no matter what the display temperature is showing. As your oven slowly cools, the heating elements switch on and off, causing the temperature to fluctuate constantly.

How does your Oven Steel compare to similar products?

One of our biggest differentiators is the size and shape of our Oven Steel. Misen's Oven Steels are fairly small and thus lighter in weight, so they're easy to move around and clean. This allows you to place one Oven Steel above your food and one bel

How do I use my Oven Steel?

The Misen Oven steel was designed to allow several different configurations in your oven. There are also a few different modular configurations that we recommend, depending on your cooking preferences.

How do I season my Oven Steel?

Seasoning your Oven Steel will prevent it from rusting, and also create a safe surface for direct cooking. This is a very simple process that only needs to be done once before using your Oven Steel.

How do I clean my Oven Steel?

Unless you cook directly on your Oven Steel, it won't need to be cleaned very often. You can hand wash it in warm, soapy water once it’s completely cool and, if there is any, burnt-on food can be scraped off. Towel dry the steel immediately.